St. Joseph Feast: Rector tasks seminarians on sensitivity; kicks against sin against charity

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By Olivia Obijiaku 

The Rector of St. Joseph’s Minor Seminary, Zaria Very Rev Fr. Istifanus Katung has charged his students to emulate the foster father of Jesus and the Patron Saint of their institution, St Joseph in being sensitive to their mates and other people so that they can contribute in making the world a better place. He made this known at the Mass in honour of their patron which took place in the seminary chapel on Saturday, 19th March, 2022.

Pointing out that the husband of the Blessed Virgin Mary had every reason to put his betrothed away shamefully considering the circumstances surrounding the conception of the Saviour but chose to do otherwise, the rector told them to learn to consider the emotional needs of others especially their juniors so that they may be well guided.

“St Joseph was very sensitive to Mary’s emotional and mental wellbeing.” Fr. Katung referenced. “He never wanted to disgrace her because he knew it could lead to something negative in her life.  As a school, we need to be sensitive to the feelings and rights of others. Where your rights stop is where another person’s rights start. So, you cannot be in the hostel and be disturbing those who are sleeping. That is a sin against charity. It makes you insensitive.”        

“It is very important to look at his exemplary life because they are very key and important. It is discipline that will help you emulate St. Joseph. The formation you get here is different from that of other secondary schools. What you are exposed to in the seminary is meant to form you and inculcate certain disciplines in you. Of course, it is not everyone here who will go into the major seminary, but the training you get here will sustain you through life.”

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