Geidam Urges FCT Youth To Harness Forest Resources for Sustainable Economic Opportunities

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The Mandate Secretary for the Agriculture and Rural Development Secretariat, Lawan Kolo Geidam has called on youth of the Federal Capital Territory to explore and utilize the vast potential of forest resources for economic ventures.
Geidam who was represented by the Permanent Secretary, ARDS Grace Adayilo at a sensitization campaign organized for youths and stakeholders involved in forest and wildlife exploration activities in the FCT,  highlighted the crucial role of biodiversity in maintaining ecosystem health, emphasizing the need for responsible utilization of natural resources and encouraging the tapping of forest wealth for sustainable livelihoods and economic growth.
Geidam affirmed the commitment of the  FCT Administration to promoting initiatives that protect endangered wildlife species through  sensitisation, training and empowerment of youth in economically viable ventures such as honey production.
“The FCT is dedicated to global action against practices that endanger wildlife species. This includes promoting eco-tourism, sustainable timber harvesting, non-timber forest products, and carbon offset programs,” he stated. “Such strategies aim not only to secure the future of youths but also to contribute to the conservation of biodiversity and ecosystems.” Geidam stated.
Speaking during the interactive session, Grace Adayilo, Permanent Secretary stresed the need for synergy with relevant agencies to address the security threats in the forest to make them condusive to    the productive activities.
Building upon the National Strategy to Combat Wildlife and Forest Crime in Nigeria 2022–2026, the FCT, he said is stepping up efforts to raise awareness and enforce stringent penalties for illegal wildlife trade activities.
While  recognising the vulnerability of local hunters to engage in wildlife crime he urged them to take advantage of the initiatives of the FCT Administration in the lucrative bee production and other alternative livelihood opportunities.
Earlier in her welcome address, Mrs. Caroline Opara, the Director of Forestry in the FCT, underscored the critical importance of the National Strategy. She advocated for awareness campaigns against the poaching and selling of endangered species in the FCT.
“The Endangered Species Act of 2016, stipulates stringent penalties for wildlife-related crimes, is a crucial tool in safeguarding dwindling populations of wild animals and preserving biodiversity,”  Mrs. Opara noted.
She emphasized that endangered species, when pushed to the brink of extinction by human activities, play irreplaceable roles in maintaining ecosystem balance. “The continuous killing of these species not only reduces their populations but also has far-reaching negative impacts on biodiversity and ecosystem health. For example, the pangolin, known for its voracious insect-eating habits, plays a vital role in regulating insect pest populations, thereby benefiting agricultural productivity.”
She therefore, encouraged the participants to take the  event seriously so as to learn how to engage in responsible forest exploitation.
The event which centred on Sensitization against Illegal Poaching and Trafficking of  Wildlife Species as well as capacity Building on Honey Production had participants from the FCT  Bee Farmers Association, Hunters and youth groups from  the 6 Area Councils of the FCT.

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