IPAC Chairmanship Candidate Facing Criminal Charges

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A key contender for the post of the national chairman of the Inter Party Advisory Council (IPAC), Alhaji Yusuf Mamman Dantalle is currently facing criminal charges at the Federal High Court, Lokoja over alleged possession of arms.
Findings revealed that the State Security Services (SSS) had in October, 2021 dragged Dantalle before the Federal High Court, Lokoja.
Dantalle who is the national chairman of Allied People’s Movement (APM) was alleged to have been caught with a pistol and other dangerous weapons at Ayingba in Kogi State sometime in 2021 and the case is still pending before the Federal High Court, Lokoja 
Despite the criminal charges hanging on him, Dantalle is contesting the IPAC national chairmanship position against the national chairman of Action Democratic Party (ADP) Engr Yabagi Yusuf Sani.
Although it is not clear as at press time whether or not the IPAC’s electoral committee will clear Dantalle, but the chairman of the committee, Barr Dan Nwanyanwu told our correspondent on phone that he has no position on the candidature of Dantalle.
Nwanyanwu said it’s not in his purview to take a decision on the eligibility of any of the contestants vying for any of the positions, stressing that his duty is to serve as an umpire for the election.
He said, “as an umpire in the election, it is not my duty to determine who is qualified to contest and who is not qualified to contest. I am an umpire in the forthcoming election of IPAC and my duty is to conduct election and not to take position on who to contest and who not to contest.”
However, findings by our correspondent revealed that the State Security Service had in October 2021 instituted a case against Dantalle and the case is yet to be adjudicated by the court.
The statement of offence prepared and signed by Mr Olanrewaju Yahaya, the Principal Legal Officer in charge of Discipline and Legal Services, 
State Security Service in Kogi State indicates that Dantalle committed the offences with an accomplice who is currently at large.
The statement marked LKJ/FHC/61/21 reads “that you Yusuf Mamman Dantalle, Male, (49 years old), on  4th Oçtober, 2021, at Anyigba, Dekinn Local Government Area of Kogi State, within the jurisdiction of this court was arrested with Barreta Pistol with serial number 215RR95042, without license, thereby committed an offence.
“That you Yusuf Maman Dantale in October, 2021, at Anyigba was arrested, with nine live rounds of 
ammunition, without license, thereby committing an offence.
“That you Yusuf Maman Dantale in October, 2021, at Anyigba was arrested, with nine live rounds of ammunition, without license, thereby committing an offence,” it added.
He was alleged to have carried out the offences with one Abdul Oye who is currently at large.
When contacted, Dantalle confirmed that the matter is still before the court, saying that he is presumed innocent until the contrary is proved.
He refused to make further comments on the matter, claiming that it is still before the court and he has not been found guilty.

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