Senator Godswill Akpabio for Common Good tackles Don Etiebet

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The Senator Godswill Akpabio for Common Good, (SGACG) has described Chief Don Etiebet as a half-forgotten politician who is trying to destroy the All Progressives Congress, (APC) in Akwa Ibom State.

The National Coordinator of SGACG, Dr. Jibril Tafida, stated this in a statement made available to the Media on Sunday.

Dr. Tafida who was reacting to what he called a sham meeting of the A’Ibom State APC, said to have been led by Chief Don Etiebet and his co-travellers, it is a new gang-up to destroy and create uncertainty in the state chapter of the party,

“He, Don Etiebet has no constitutional power nor mandate to decide for the party or even the local government chairmanship candidacy, let alone who becomes Governor in Akwa Ibom.”

Dr. Tafida added that Chief Etiebet has contested elections and endorsed many candidates, but he and his sponsored candidates lost woefully and miserably. Between 2006 and 2007 when Etiebet ran for elective office, he came 5th in the election.

“In 2015 he lost again and supported Umanah against Akpabio’s candidate and was beaten mercilessly. In 2019 he supported Nsima Ekere and hijacked the APC leadership in the state, the result was betrayal, sectional conspiracy with PDP to stop Akpabio’s Senate Presidency ambition thereby foisting defeat on APC in an election APC clearly won

“Known for backstabbing, he took the Chairmanship of ANPP with 9 sitting Governors but after secret collaboration with the incumbent PDP President Obasanjo, ANPP was left with only 2 governors on his exit. He was also a one-time founder of a political party – NCPC – during late Gen. Sani Abacha’s military administration.

“True to his nature, he abandoned the supporters of the party nationwide a night before the election to pitch camp with NRC to the chagrin of Nigerian politicians with integrity

“Today, he is surprisingly claiming to endorse a governorship candidate and we wonder how such shenanigans would ever work in a state of enlightened voters like Akwa Ibom.

“In fact, even when he contested against Senator Akpabio in 2011 and came a miserable 4th in the primaries, the margin of his defeat was a deafening rejection of his brand of politics.

“It is ridiculous that he assumes he could succeed with his gambit and attention-seeking project, to actualise Amaechi’s misplaced ambition as a stepping stone,” he said.

The SGACG National Coordinator stressed that truths, must be told so that innocent Akwa Ibom members won’t fall victim to this empty new charade.

He, however, called on the President Muhammadu Buhari and the acting National chairman of APC to call Etiebet and his cohorts to order to desist from creating confusion in Akwa Ibom State and allow a democratic process to take place.

“We also call on the good people of Akwa Ibom in particular and the Niger Delta in general to ignore the rantings of Don Etiebet, who was already half-forgotten politically before this inglorious mis-step,” he concluded

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