God’s Formula for Happiness

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Rejoice and be glad, for your reward is great in heaven.” (Matthew 5:12)

Our responsorial psalm this morning sums up our readings beautifully: “I will bless the Lord at all times.” (Psalm 34:2). In the beatitudes, Jesus teaches us to bless God even in difficult times because what the world may consider as painful, humiliating or unwanted may contain the key to our happiness.

Be poor in spirit, humble, and docile. Do not assert yourself over others; you will be happy. It is okay to mourn; you cannot win all the time. For instance, for being honest, you may have to lose money, friends or some material good, but in the long run, you will be happy.

Be meek. It’s okay for people to take you for a ride. Dot fight anyone; you will be happy. Be hungry and thirst for righteousness, not just food and drink; you will be satisfied. Be quick to forgive people, and don’t carry any grudge in your mind. Think only positive things about others. Be merciful, and you will be happy.

Be pure in your heart, delete anything immoral from your inner space, and you will be happy. Be a peacemaker, fight for unity, not division, settle people when they quarrel, and don’t pick up quarrels with others; you will be happy.

You may be persecuted for righteousness sake, but don’t worry; you will be happy. For being a good person, people will revile you, persecute you, and utter all kinds of evil against you. Just remain a good person. Don’t give up on your goodness; you will be happy.

Think about what Jesus demands from you and those times you followed this path only to find happiness rather unexpectedly. In summary, suffering makes us strong. This is what St. Paul teaches in the first reading today. His prayer for us is that should we ever suffer, may we also enjoy consolation at the end.

Let us pray: Almighty Ever-Living God, may I follow the path of happiness you have laid down for me. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Bible Study: 2 Corinthians 1:1-7, Ps. 34:2-9, Matthew 5:1-12)

@Rev. Fr. Evaristus E. Abu


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