Ramadan: Kaduna Lawmaker, Suleiman Facilitates With Muslims, Sues For Spiritual Rebirth

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The lawmaker representing Kaduna North Federal Constituency, Hom. Samaila Suleiman has fecilitate with Muslim Ummah and urged them to pray for peace and unity of Nigeria during the Ramadan period.
While expressing hope that the Month would provide an ample opportunity to seek God’s intervention for several challenges confronting the nation, Hon. Suleiman enjoined fasting Muslims to seek sustainable spiritual rebirth by abstaining from trivial and other forbidden acts as spelt out in the Holy Qur’an.
He called on Muslim Ummah to exemplify great virtues of Prophet Muhammad whom he noted was very generous to the needy and less privileged.
Suleiman who was People’s Democratic Party (PDP) Kaduna North House of Reps Candidate in the just concluded 2023 general election mentioned humility, almsgiving, generosity, caring and above all problem-solving ability as some attributes of the Prophet which he said  if practiced. would make the society a better place to live in.
“I want to use this opportunity to call on my Muslim brethren to inculcate the habits of the Messenger of Allah whose virtues and good characters cannot be overemphasized.
“He was always good and kept doing good year in year out with increasing the acts of goodness in the holy month of Ramadan.
“I call on us to imbibe the lessons we would have learnt by observing fasting in this Month and ensure we make it a part of us to always do good to the people around us.
“If we keep this commendable legacy, I assure you our society will be a better and peaceful place to live in,”he observed.

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