Sokoto Politics: Between The Rich And Poor

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The political amphitheatre of Sokoto has never been so divided as it is now. The people have become much wiser after the bad deal they received from the People’s Democratic Party (PDP) led government for eight years.

As reasonable humans, the citizens of Sokoto have dealt with the capitalist administration of Aminu Tambuwal/Attahiru Bafarawa, who are more interested in reaping where they did not sow by milking the state dry through sponsoring irrelevant tour to foreign lands and going for medical tourism at the expense of the generality of the people.

While on the other hand, they are also looking back with nostalgia the leadership of Distinguished Senator Aliyu Magatakardan Wamakko, who is inarguably the only leading statesman single handedly shouldering the people.In their darkest moments, Aliyu provides light, where there is hopelessness and dissolution, Magatakarda provides hope.

Now, the die is cast, Magatakarda the lover of the poor, has his ardent student as a candidate, Ahmed Aliyu on one hand, while duo of Tambuwal/Bafarawa have presented the Ubandoma/Sagir Bafarawa as their candidates.

The people of Sokoto are not happy with Tambuwal/Bafarawa for they see them as continuation of their suffering and oppression in the hands of PDP.

They are running the party like personal estate.

Enough is enough, say the people of Sokoto State. There must be a change of baton and capitalist projects of Tambuwal/Bafarawa must be stopped and the party with the love of the common man must be made to lead.

Garba Sabon Birni, of the Sokoto Progressives’ Like-minds, sent in this piece.

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