No One is Without Gifts; Repent from Envy

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Here comes this dreamer. Come now, let us kill him and throw him into one of the pits; then we shall say that a wild beast has devoured him, and we shall see what will become of his dreams.” (Genesis 37:19-20)

The parable of the householder who planted a vineyard teaches us that God expects us to be fruitful. No man is without talents or cheated in terms of gifts. Every one of us is a bundle of potential but you only need to look inwards to notice yours. It is when we focus on others that we begin to assume we are not blessed or that we are not good enough and this is the origin of envy – wishing evil for others just because of their unique gifts.

Like the brothers of Joseph in the Old Testament, we could become so overwhelmed by envy that we begin to think that our survival depends on the elimination of others. We begin to think that we can only shine when we quench that of others. This is the insanity of the envious mind.

There is enough space for everyone to shine. To think that someone’s light has to go off before yours can shine is to have a very limited mindset which is the opposite of God’s mind. The funny thing is that in the process of trying to quench others’ light, we only succeed in making them shine brighter, and then, we completely destroy ours.

The householder demanded harvest from the vineyard because He knew what the vineyard was capable of producing. God expects us to shine rather than fight others because of their gifts. The tenants of the vineyard had a limited mindset, instead of thinking of how to plant their own vineyards, they had eyes on that of their master, and they assumed the only way they would own theirs is to kill the son of their master.

This parable of Jesus continues to play out today. There are many who believe they would rise by destroying others. Remember that both the razor blade and the axe can cut but while the razor cannot cut trees, the axe cannot shave beards. We would be doing a great disservice to God if we start fighting each other because of their gifts.

Are you a victim of envy? Don’t begin to hide your talents because of those trying to pull you down. Keep shining. The God who gave you these gifts will protect you as He protected Joseph. If they throw a stone at you, build a house with it. If they throw hot water on you, use it to cook. They may only try to stop you but in the end, God will have the last laugh as the landowner did over the tenants.

Do you feel some people are proud due to their gifts? Submit them to God in prayer. If they are really proud, God has a way of humiliating them. Stop looking at them, stop following them on social media like the scribes and Pharisees who followed Jesus looking for what to use against Him. Start looking at what you have; count your blessings, develop your gifts, and work on yourself. Stop comparing yourself with anyone else; compete only with yourself. Seek to become a better version of yourself each day. Perhaps, in the process of working on yourself, you too will get to realize why you thought they are proud for showing off their gifts.

Let us pray: Heavenly Father, help me to use all the talents and gifts you have placed within me so that when I die, I would return to you completely empty. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.,

Bible Study: Genesis 37:3-4,12-13,17-28, Ps. 105:16-21, Matthew 21:33-43,45-46).*

@Rev. Fr. Evaristus Abu


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