PDP Kaduna North Inaugurates Campaign Council, Vows To Win 2023 Polls With Landslide

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In its quest to make an effective outing ahead 2023 general election, People’s Democratic Party (PDP), Kaduna North has inaugurated a campaign council, saddled with responsibilities of initiating, organizing and executing an effective campaign for all candidates of the party contesting elections in February and March this year.

The campaign council with various committees, would function under the leadership of Hon. Ibrahim Sirajo and Rilwanu Abdullahi as the chairman and Director General (DG) respectively.

Publicity and field operation committees with 39 and 29 members respectively would be headed by Ibrahim Hero and Saleh Shuaibu as Directors, while 27 member women mobilization committee would be headed by Hajiya Bilkisu Suleiman.

Youth Mobilization Committee has Hon. Ahmed Umar Turaki and Bashir Hamman as Director and Deputy respectively, while Naziru Abubakar would serve as Secretary.

The party, in its determination to be sensitive and ensure sense of belonging to religious leanings of its members, inaugurated also, Religious and Cultural Engagement Committee under the headship of Ismail Usman Jibril and Ishaku Dogo Makama as Directors of Muslim and Christian committees respectively, saddled with handling issues of faith during campaign.

Elders were not left out as a 66 member committee headed by Hon. Alimi Ya’u was exclusively assigned to cater for their needs and concerns ahead the general election.

Other committees unveiled included; finance, security, stakeholders relations under the leadership of Hon. Ahmed Dattijo, a political grassroots mobilizer among others.

In his remarks, kaduna North PDP Chairman, Hon. Auwalu Branco who presided over the inauguration ceremony tasked leaders and members to face their assigned duties with high sense of dedication, commitment and passion to ensure triumph of the party at the polls.

He added that with failure of the ruling APC to live up to expectations, the council’s job of convincing voters to vote PDP in all elective positions had been made easier.

In his response, DG campaign council, Rilwanu Abdullahi expressed willingness to assiduously work in synergy with key stakeholders to ensure victory for the party.

While appreciating the party for finding him worthy of such a sensitive role, Abdulahi lambasted APC for causing what he described as monumental hardship on Nigerians due to cluelessness of the party.

He said electorates would be rescued from the current economic bottlenecks, rising insecurity and political instability experienced across the country.

Earlier, Hon. Samaila Suleiman, serving house of representative member and candidate of PDP in the forthcoming general election, reassured voters that they would not be taken for granted by the party if trusted again with leadership task.

He urged electorates to vote all candidates of the party from top to bottom, saying it’s the only way out of the current crises and deficit of leadership experienced in the country.

Director Elders committee, Hon. Alimi Ya’u spoke in a similar vein, saying the party would clinch victory at the next poll, considering general disenchantment among the people of Nigeria whom he said would vote out APC and replace it with PDP at all levels of election.

Member, representing Kawo Constituency in the State House of Assembly, Hon. Yusuf Salihu appreciated members for turning in large number to attend the inaugural ceremony, adding that no party faithful would be abandoned after the victory of PDP in February and March this year.

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