Insecurity: Rise Up Project Advocates e-learning For Kaduna’s   Over 2.5m Out-of-school Children

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Worried by the increasing number of out of school children in Kaduna State which is estimated to be about 2,523,800, due to present security challenges, the Rise Up Project is making concerted efforts to ensuring such disadvantaged children gain access to e-learning.
This was part of the issues discussed at the Step Down Training on Advocacy & Leadership
for 24 Rise Up Leaders meeting,  held at the Africa Media Development Foundation (AMDF) Conference Hall in Kaduna on Thursday November 17,  2022.
The training with the theme,  “Advocacy & Leadership”  was meant to build the capacity of the project staff to effectively advocate during the 12 month project.
Grace Yila Maikano the  Rise Up leader implementing the project   in her  presentation, explained that  the project  will be implementing with FHANI team giving an overview of it.
She explained in details what gave rise to the need for the formulation and adoption of e-learning policy in Kaduna State.
“Over 2,5238,000 out of schools children in the state as a result of banditry and insecurity in which over 500,000 are girls between the ages of  10 to 18years.
“When this e=learning policy is formed and adopted, it will help the out of schools children to still have access to learning platforms and education outside the physical class rooms,” she said.
The team commended the timely need for this project to be implemented and promised to support it’s implementation.
According to her, the team needs to be enlightened on the work plan
Earlier in  his welcome address,  Family Health Advocates in Nigeria (FHANI) chairman, Tijanni Bala Mohammed  commended the efforts of the Rise up leader Grace Yila Maikano for pulling through the rigorous training and securing the funding for the project to be executed by the organization.
The consultant of the project,  Miss Joy Gadani a fellow of  Rise Up cohort 3 2022,  took the team on an overview of what Rise Up
The  team committed to supporting the project lead and help in the project implementation.

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