Muslim Muslim ticket: I want to see Sen Abbo resigning if he is a serious Christian

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By Ezekiel Michael Kwada

With so much venom, with what I can describe as anti-ballistic missiles and total condemnation of Muslim Muslim ticket against those who have conceived, pre-decided the Presidential ticket of Chief Ahmed Bola Ahmed Asiwajo Tinubu and his running mate Senator Kashim Shettima by the Adamawa State Northern Senator, Mr. Ishaku Abbo who is popularly known as Cliff. This is a huge difference between the conflict of interests of party loyalists.

Abbo from being a Senator of a zone in Adamawa state is seen fighting party gladiators and heavyweight party stalwarts. Joining the former Secretary to the Government of the Federation, SGF, Babachir David Lawal, an APC top not are the only two from the North and Christians fighting the decision of the larger party interest.

Cliff dislikes the plans as is not a Christian support base and the agenda is against his faith. He is standing on his feet and fighting the ticket with all his might.

The Senator has positioned himself as one of the voices of Nigerian Christian, especially those from the Northern country to fight the All Progressives Congress (APC) for allowing Tinubu to commit an abominable sin against the Christians, by relegating them with their entire generation to political relegation, placing them to political exclusion with the Shettima of a paired ticket to Tinubu who are all Muslims.

In many forums and many Media outlets, Abbo has been read and seen to have declared against the Tinubu/Shettima by coming out clearly to reiterate his anger over the party’s arrangement. He said it over and over, time without that is not going to support Tinubu winning his 2023 presidential aspirations.

Despite all his expressions of indignity of anger, and hate to stop Ahmed Bola Tinubu and the APC to carry out the Muslim Muslim ticket. Despite his open show of disagreement to stop the agenda over what he considered against his religion and the Christian community, APC and Tinubu have decided, finally end up unveiling Kashim to the world as the next vice president of Nigeria God’s willing.

Now it is left for Abbo with all his cronies to vacate APC. This is where he can have greater glory and support, blessings, and awards for distancing himself from the blasphemy Sin. At this juncture of the political ranging fight of sharp disagreement views, I advise he denounce the party and all that he got in the party, this will earn him much respect and he has proven a point to the world yes indeed is a religious Man and protects the interest of his people (Christians).

His Choice of words over Shettima’s selection as Vice President to Bola can’t be chewed back to see him remain in APC, to him, the party is the last place he can remain going by what he said in the pages of newspapers, and his social media official that :

“My soul is not for sale, I can not trade truth for votes.

” You can’t use me to cover up injustice. You cannot intimidate me Into accepting lies. Continue with the hate and spread of lies. I will never apologize for saying the truth. I stand for truth no matter the prize.

“If we are thrown into the blazing fire, the God we serve can deliver us from it, and he will deliver us from Your hand. But even if he God does not deliver us, we want you to know, Your Majesty, that we will not serve you or worship the image of gold you have set up.

” It is better to sleep under a bridge in heaven than living in a duplex in hell fire. I can’t trade truth for votes.”

Those are his views and his words to the world, his hatred against the APC is no longer news. He has finally decided that because of his faith or religion the party is not the place he can be. It will be taboo for him to remain at the party.

To some, they see Abbo as a hero of faith. A Lion and the king of the jungle and a Leopard who can see a Lion eye ball to eye ball and tell him that you are not a King of the jungle. Yes, he is right in his sense. But to me, if Abbo wants to prove his love for his people and be a Man of his words, is to leave the APC, and relinquish his status as a senator of the Federal Republic who is representing the good people of Adamawa Northern Senatorial zone.

I refer my Brother to the Holy Bible in the book of 2 Corinthians 6:14-18 where it says:

” Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?

” And what concord hath Christ with Belial? Arisa part hath he that believeth with an infidel?

“And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye is the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people.

“And will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty.”

I think his discontinued political journey in APC should end in 2023 after he must finish his tenure. So leaving APC, his party is the first honor and blessing he will receive here and hereafter come 2023.

I’m watching, I’m sure he will resign seeing the firmed decision he took based on religious lines against his party. With his open rebuke and his reprobate mind of reprove, in 2023 can he go to the people of Maiha, or Mu, bi North or Mubi South to canvas votes for Tinubu? Will his hate for Muslim Muslim tickets give him votes in those areas that are representing and hope they should vote for him in 2023? Can he face them with the arch-enemy of the Muslim Muslim join? ticket.

Ezekiel Michael Kwada
Is an opinion writer, wrote this from
Michika, Michika LGA,
Adamawa State

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