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The national leadership of the National Rescue Movement (NRM), said that the National Chairman, Amb. Isaac Udeh and the Organizing Secretary, Mohammed Dirisu Isah are not on suspension.

In press release signed by Sola Afuye, the National Publicity Secretary of NRM:
The party further dismissed every news platform report that the two respected members of the Party’s National Working Committee (NWC) have been suspended.

The attention of the National Working Committee (NWC) of the National Rescue Movement(NRM) has been drawn to a fictitious report being circulated by a section of the social media and other News media platforms suggesting that the National Chairman and National Organizing Secretary of our great Party, have been suspended in a purported meeting presided over by the former National Chairman, Senator Saidu Dansadau with some unidentified elements and disgruntled members of the Party.

The action of Senator Dansadau is akin to a man who after selling a goat would still hold unto the rope.

Senator Dansadau acted against the provisions the constitution of our great party without recourse to the doctrine of calling for an Emergency meeting under Article 8. Also, he lacks the powers to represent any organ of the party , under Article 7 section 7 which provides that
” Board Members shall be appointed by the National Executive Committee of the Party, who shall present them to the National Convention for ratification and shall be drawn from the different parts of the country composed of Seven Members of national statutes, who shall be appointed by the National Executive Committee”.

Its Imperative to make it clear to the public that the Amb.Isaac Udeh-led National Working Committee came on board March 30, 2022 and has not at any time carried out this function due to exigencies of the Office as well as ongoing consultations to evaluate candidates submitted for such Office. It is instructive and for the records that at no point has the newly elected National Executive Committee constituted a Board nor appointed any one as it’s Chairman.

It is therefore ironical that such a man, who self appointed himself Chairman of the BoT and it’s members to call for a purported NEC meeting with rented crowd hired by Mazi Okwudili to suspend a duly elected Officers of the Party under frivolous and unfounded allegations.

The media and members of the public are advised to distant themselves from impostors parading themselves as party officials until further notice.

One would have thought that a former Law maker of Senator Dansadau’s standing should know better that after reporting a case to the police and DSS to stop the substitution of his preferred candidate with too many baggages that may cause the party an irreparable damage in the elections could have allowed the law enforcement agents to do their job but for reasons best known to him or out of desperation embarked on this fruitless and satirical journey.

The Party advises the former Chairman and former Presidential Candidate, Mazi Nwa-Anyajike not to resort to cheap blackmail nor media warfare but explore the window of the law to prove its cause or risk the consequences of their actions.

The National Working Committee therefore described such gathering as completely illegal and the outcome of such meeting can not stand. It can only happen in the imagination of mischief makers with the intent to destabilize the Party, create an impression of crisis within its ranks and mislead the unsuspecting members of the public.

It is clear that the illegal suspension report is the handiwork of vicious anti-people forces, who are agitated by the stability, unity and soaring popularity of the Party under the cohesive Amb. Isaac Udeh-led National Working Committee.

Its also important to make good use of this medium to set the record straight on the allegations of forgery, extortion among others against the two officers of the party by former Presidential Candidate, Mazi Nwa-Anyajike. The Man, Mazi Nwa-Anyajike that came up with this malicious allegations can never be trusted as his contradicting and inconsistency statements call for concern.
In trying to display his falsehood tendencies, at a point he claimed before the Nigeria Police that he paid N14 Million for Nomination and Expression of interest forms while the report in the news stated he paid the sum of N20 Million into the party’s account. He paid only the sum of N5 million as against the N19 million approved by the party.
Its obvious that our party can not in anyway condole this human being with unstable mind.

Mazi Nwa-Anyajike has displayed characteristics of a Political jobber over time. However, the Party will act in accordance with our constitutional provisions to deploy our internal mechanism to resolve the issues and move the party forward.

The NWC therefore urges all members of our great Party, our teeming supporters, the media and the general public to disregard the said report as malicious and lacking in substance.
The lawyers will say “you do not build something on nothing:.

The leadership of NRM hereby call on every member to remain resolute and keep praying for successful 2023 general elections.

The National Working Committee will in no distance time call for legitimate National Executive Committee meeting.

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