Samaila Aliyu Makarfi Guns for House of Representatives

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By Bashir Bello

Honourable Samaila Aliyu Makarfi, a onetime commissioner of finance in Kaduna state has formally declared his interest to contest to represent his people as member representing Makrfi/Kudan Federal Constituency at the National Assembly under the All progressive Congress APC.. He made his declaration at both Kudan and Makarfi during a visit to the two constituencies on Friday.

The declaration had in attendance major stakeholders and well wishers, including other political interest groups who all trooped to the venues of the declaration to welcome one of their own.

Speaking in Kudan, Hon. Samaila Aliyu Makarfi, popularly known as SA, thanked the people of Kudan and expressed his interest to represent them at the National Assembly. He recalled his fond memory as a bonafide son of Kudan and seeks for their overall support. In his words:

‘’ I greet you all, youths, family and friends from Kudan. I am proud to be from Kudan, why did I say I am from Kudan, I have a root traceable to Kauran Wali, I believe those in Kaura Wali know me, my mother is there in Doka, last week I was here to pay a condolence visit and I asked about the Sarki Kudan and ask to be escorted to pay him a visit. The people who escorted me were surprised that the Sarki on seeing me welcomed me happily and invited me into his private chambers. They never knew he was my senior brother.’’

Speaking further he reminded the people that politics is meant for politicians and that they are happy to be part of an outstanding political party. He said he had the experience to represent the people based on his various working experience with various political stakeholders and power brokers across the state and the country. He also reminded them of the need to appreciate and know the value of the party and also respect and value politicians.

‘’ I hope to run an open and inclusive system and promise to do my utmost best to resolve and solve your problems by the grace of God. I am not going to be an Abuja representative always sitting there for you to come to me with your problems, I want to assure you that I am going to come over to you since you voted me in the first place. It is a must that I must come because my parents are here. For example I hope to pray my Jumm’a prayers here and I am sure that my father is going to lead us in prayers.’’

Speaking further he told the people that he was ready and willing to work for them and give them the best representation. ‘’ We would stand up boldly at the National Assembly by the grace of God and present your case and other issues affecting you and our communities. We would present bills and motions that have to do with agriculture, health and education development of our people. We would create a reliable platform whereby we would be able to interact and report to you in every two to three months. We would tell you what we have been doing in these months as your representative since you were the people who voted us and sent us there in the first place,’’

He gave the same assurance in Makarfi where he outlined his programs and vision for the people. A mammoth crowd welcomed him and pledged their support to his candidacy.

Speaking to the people, Hon. Samaila reiterated his commitment to serve the people and promised to carry everyone along irrespective of their political differences. In his words:

‘’ I greet the youths of Makarfu and thank the chairman and exco of our great party. We came to seek your support. Politics entails support. Makarfi is a brotherhood, I know some of the other contestants and I believe that if God gives me the mandate I will by his race seek their support and I am equally certain that they will do the same if God gave them the mandate. I seek for your indulgence that we don’t break this formidable brotherhood and friendship because of politics. This is an era and event that would come and go but our kinship I believe would remain. We have done a lot on the business sector and right now we are doing much on party issues. Everyone you see in any position got there through the grace of God and the party, anyone you see moving around with escorts and driving big cars got there through the grace of God and the party. I am a son of this town, even my wife and children, including my parents would always be here to represent me.’’

He pointed out that the 2023 elections would be different from the 2015 and 2019 elections. The pedigree of every contestant would stand him out. He reminded them how he did everything possible to humble the PDP in the local government elections in Makarfi ward in the last elections. He also assured the people that they are going to protect their votes and that everything possible would be done to uplift the party and its members.

‘’ Be always bold to ask the contestants what they have done for you in the past. I am ensuring you that we will do everything possible to bring about a viable educational, agricultural and reasonable healthcare system to you, this including employment and working environment for our teeming youths.’’

In his comments the APC Chairman in Kudan local government, Alhaji Yusuf Jaja and his counterpart in Makarfi Local Government Hon. Abubakar Gangara both commended Hon Samaila Aliyu whom they described as their son for all his good work and his efforts in empowering the youths, women, widows and the less privileged. They both gave their support to his ambition and said they believe he would do more for his constituency if elected.

Also, the majority of APC stakeholders in Kudan/Makarfi welcomed his declaration and promised to support his campaighn and ensure that he won the primary and the election to represent them at the national assembly in 2023. Musa Mubaba, one of his supporters, described Hon. Samaila Aliyu Makarfi as a nice person who has always been nice to his neigbours and believes that he is the right candidate to represent them at the National Assembly.

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