Train Abduction: 30 days of agony, sleepless nights, lamentation, shedding of tears – CAN laments

Crime story
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By Achadu Gabriel, Kaduna

Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) has expressed displeasure over continuous captivity of the abducted Kaduna-Abuja train passengers, lamenting that 30 Days after the attack, government was yet to rescued the innocent Nigerians from the bandits.

CAN, in a statement issued and signed by the kaduna state chairman Rev. Joseph John Hayap, said today, Thursday completed 30 days of agony, sleepless nights, lamentation, shedding of tears, and psychological anguish of the victims as well as members of their immediate and extended families.

CAN also noted that “On 28th March 2022, a passenger train from Abuja to Kaduna was attacked. Some passengers were killed, others sustained injuries whereas scores were kidnapped.

“Since then it is now 30 days of agony, sleepless nights, lamentation, shedding of tears, and psychological anguish for the victims, the members of their immediate and extension families, people of conscience, and many well-wishers.

“Sadly, despite acknowledging the misfortune caused by the attacks by those responsible for protecting lives and property, the head of the ministry responsible for rail transport has not shown enough empathy towards families or made plausible efforts to actualize the freedom of the abducted from the terrorists.
“The most essential ingredient of democracy is freedom and security but Nigerians are enduring a varied meaning of democracy.

“Consequently, CAN Kaduna State frowns at the way these families have been left on their own, especially the lack of adequate and encouraging proof from the government and the agency responsible for rail transportation to douse their fears.

“As part of utter disregard, not the managing Director of NRC nor the Hon Minister of Transport, who should have resigned and tendered a public apology by now for his or their failure, has acknowledged their oversight in averting the incident.
“Instead, while innocent citizens are held captive for no offence, and at great risk for their safety, some individuals in charge of the transport industry, throwing decency to the wind, are mounting podiums, declaring to vie to be Nigeria’s next President. For the records, the concerned individuals involved must be reminded that Nigerians are not insane to reward failure with the presidency.

“CAN, thus, on the 30th day of painful remembrance of the train attack and aggressive kidnap of lawful travellers who boarded the train call on all Christians in Kaduna State and beyond, with people of goodwill, to intensify prayers for the victims and their families and to continue to speak out till everyone is safely released and back home to their families.

“CAN is aware that insecurity has worsened the pain that Nigerians go through reaching a peak where people are so miserable beyond what words can convey. Currently, many households are starving, as many are without jobs, food, and health care, whereas university students are at home because of the ASSU strike. Moreover, citizens cannot move freely to seek means to bring succour to their children, wives and aged parents due to fear of bandits and terrorists.

“Accordingly, CAN is calling on the federal government to give definite marching orders to the security agencies to go out there and rescue the 17 women, 4 children, and 41 males, held hostage, whose photos the terrorists have disrespectfully sent out to the world.

“We also wish the terrorists to realize that Nigerians want all the 62 people in captivity back home safely to their families, not their pictures. The terrorists should present any grievances they have directly to the government and stop inflicting pain on innocent Nigerians who are out seeking daily bread.

“To those the terrorists and bandits are holding hostage, we love you and will not cease to pray and play our role till you all come back safely while we hope that our country is liberated from all forms of criminality”, it stated.

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