When You Say the Truth, You Shame the Devil

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And when they had assembled with the elders and taken counsel, they gave a sum of money to the soldiers and said, “Tell people, ‘His disciples came by night and stole him away while we were asleep.’” (Matthew 28:12-13)

The essence of Easter is not eating and drinking but celebrating our new life in Christ. At Easter, we celebrate our resurrection. We celebrate the fact that we who were once dead as a result of our sinfulness are now living a new life in Christ. However, the honest truth is that this would never be a once-and-for-all phenomenon. As long as we remain in human skin, we are constantly going to be struggling with the new life brought to us by Christ’s death and resurrection.

One of the sins that we must constantly work to eliminate from our lives as resurrected Christians is telling lies. Lies are destructive. Every time we tell a lie, we are taking sides with the devil whose very nature is that of telling lies. At no point in time should a lie ever proceed from our lips. Even if we were to be given huge sums of money, no amount of money is worth selling our lips or selling our conscience. No amount of lie can bury the truth.

If we continue to go about telling lies, it means we are refusing to rise from the grave with Jesus. It means we are still very dead and we are too much to be pitied. Some Christians try to justify telling lies with the theory of being diplomatic. Think about this: Did Peter try to be diplomatic in our first reading today? In the name of being diplomatic, we end up upholding darkness rather than light.

When you know the truth and choose to remain silent all because you do not wish to offend anyone, you have taken sides with the one who told a lie; you have taken sides with the devil. Of course, what is the essence of our resurrection in Christ if we decide to keep quiet about it? What is the essence of all we have been doing since the beginning of lent this year if there is no significant improvement in our lives? Do not make money your god. SAY THE TRUTH AND SHAME THE DEVIL.

Let us pray: Lord Jesus may no lie ever proceed from my lips anymore. Amen.

Bible Study: Acts 2:14,22-33, Ps. 16:1-2,5,7-11, Matthew 28:8-15)

© Rev. Fr. Evaristus Abu


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