38 arrested as UNIMAID Security storms girls’ hostels

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By Achadu Gabriel, Kaduna

A viral video shows how Security Personnel of the University of Maiduguri (UNIMAID) cracked down and arrested 38 students of the institution who protested over fee hike and bad living conditions at the University.

Hundreds of the girls students had on Monday gathered in a peaceful protest but met a stiff a resistance from the security agents drafted to foil the protest.

The security Personnel’s ruthlessly suppressed the students through the use of excessive force. Many of the female students who scampered for safety where wounded in the protest while others where mercilessly beaten with sticks by the operatives.

Atleast 18 of the protesting students were arrested and detained at the security facility in the University where they were kept in detiorating conditions untill Tuesday Morning.
On Oct. 5, the Security Personnel’s storms another female hostel where they arrested 20 more female students. Some of the students where heard in the Video saying “But the girl did not do anything’ They should have allowed her to wear her cloths.
Those who were identified to have participated in the protest were forcefully evicted out of their hostels with their cloths thrown out of the hostels premisses while their identification cards were seized by the angry security who acted on the directive of the Management.

An eyewitness who was angered by the action of the security Personnel’s, said “Wallahi”, what I witnessed Yesterday was very painful, the way securities are beating our female colleagues with sticks as if they are donkeys.

According to the protesting students and their parents, instead of the University Governing Board to adequately addressed the concerned raised by the students who were protesting as parts of their right, they sent their lawless officers to abuse our children.

The parent urged the UNIMAID management to urgently carry out fair and transparent investigations and hold accountable security forces who have used excessive force against protesters and otherwise abused their authority.

Responding, Prof A. M. Gimba
Dean of Students, has earlier warned that the University Management will deal decisively with anybody who tries to breach the peace on campus.

Gimba who gave the warning in a statement released by the university on Tuesday, said that the University will not tolerate any unwanton behavior by students or intruders who are not students but whose intention is to destabilize the activities of the University especially considering that serious minded students are busy with their lectures in preparation lor end of semester examinations.

“Consequent upon this eftorts have already been put in place to address issues
raised especially those on security and power supply.

“Regarding those suspended from the hostel, they will return as soon as investigation is concluded. Student are therefore advised to be of good behavior and avoid any act that may lead to creating chaos on the campus.

On Oct. 6, the 38 students whose identification cards were seized were ask to report to the security office for further investigation.

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