NHC Set To Tackle Kidnappers,Vows To Reduce Abduction of School Children

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By Bashir Bello Abuja
• DCG commends NHC for facing bandits 

• ACG commends Governor Ayade

The Commander General of Nigeria Hunter Council (NHC), Ambassador Joshua Osatehim has charged men and women of the Organization to be eschew any act capable of causing disunity and violence in Nigeria and their place of duty.
Ambassador Osatehim who was speaking at the in-house training workshop organized for the personnel of the Organization in Calabar the Cross River state capital was represented by the Deputy Commander General, Admin Barrister Okwonko
The DCG, Nigeria Hunters Council also urged the hunters to give maximum cooperation and respect to sister Organizations such as the Nigeria Police Force, the Nigeria Army and other security agencies.
The DCG also added that,
“If you don’t respect men of the Nigeria Police Force, the Army and other sister forces, if we get such reports, we shall take disciplinary measures against you”.
Commander Okwonko also commended the State Commander of the Hunters group for working assiduously in instilling discipline and sense of purpose among the personnel.
The officer further commended the NHC of Cross River state for exuding full confidence in face of mounting insecurity and for tackling them.” In the same vein, I must commend and praise the men and of this group for tackling corruption, tackling the insecurity and for fighting criminality in Cross River State.”Your efforts shall be definitely rewarded, Okwonko added 

Also speaking, the Assistant Commander General of Nigeria Hunter Council, Anthony Anibaba revealed that over 3000 school children kidnapped by bandits are still languishing in parts of Nigeria’s forest . He said to this end, Parent Teachers Association has come up with a program called School Safety Initiative (SSI) designed to safeguard schools from attacks by bandits.
ACG Anibaba explained that personnel of  NHC would be deployed to the forest under the SSI in order to search and rescue kidnap victims and to prevent Kidnappers from using the forest to perpetuate further vices.Anibaba further charged the personnel of the NHC to be at alert so that they move to forest when the call to arms is sounded. The commander for explained that NHC in each state of the South South Zone is expected to raise about 1500 men in order to curb the menace of kidnappers and other hoodlums.
The ACG also commended the State Government and the Governor, Governor Ben Ayade for all the support they have given to NHC, officer then pledged that the NHC would redouble it’s efforts in order to assist the State Governor in fighting against any form of insecurity in the state.
“I want to thank the State Governor, Prof. Ben Ayade and the Government of Cross River for the hand of friendship and for they have extended to the Nigeria Hunter Council.
“As a mark of our gratitude, we shall redouble our efforts in working with the state governor to end all forms of criminality in Cross River, he said. End

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