(Video) What a shame: She returned with her rapist-Boko Haram husband

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By Political Animal.

Does it mean that terrorrists–Boko Haram, the members in particular, are living large in a safe and a very big community, where they are marrying and giving themselves to marriage?.Are we not being lied to about these people?

The internet never forgets.Remember what was said years ago “Arewa Consultative Forum, and the Northern Elders Forum kicks against FG’s decision to ban Boko Haram”—June 6,2013 .

They argued that Boko Haram is not a registered organization and therefore cannot be proscribed, stating that it will be against their fundamental human rights.

Coincidentally,this was around the time Boko Haram was only targeting churches.It only turned to bite them after the Kano attack.

I have always said it that,if they had only stuck to attacking Christians,the North wouldn’t have bothered themselves.

The core North would have even been protecting them against scrutiny from the rest of Nigeria.

The core North environment is so religiously toxic,to the extent that it doesn’t brook any religious diversity or religious tolerance.

Are we not literally mad in this country then, by talking about a kidnapped girl “returning alongside her rapist as “husband”?

And the Nigerian press are calling him her “husband” .
A girl who was raped and impregnated by terrorrists who held her captive and the Government is celebrating,and no one is talking about prosecution based on the reaction of the Government in their press release below:

Islamic Terrorism in Nigeria a business

Chibok girl who had two children in captivity reunites with her family
Babagana Zulum, governor of Borno, has confirmed the return of Ruth Nglari Apagu, a Chibok girl who had been in captivity for seven years

Isa Gusau, Zulum’s spokesman, said the governor received Ruth at the Government House on Saturday where she reunited with her parents.

He said Ruth was married to a Boko Haram fighter and returned with two children she had while in captivity.

The Chibok girl and her husband had surrendered to Nigerian troops on July 28 at a location in Bama, Borno state.

Following their surrender, security and government officials initiated contact with her parents to confirm her identity.

The governor said the return of Ruth should rekindle the hope of parents and other family members of Chibok girls still in captivity.

He said Ruth will undergo a rehabilitation and reintegration programme that will focus on her health, psychosocial wellbeing, and her future goals.

Zulum commiserated with families of those still in captivity and urged them to remain optimistic and prayer

He said: “I am extremely excited both as Borno’s governor and father of all sons and daughters of the state and also as a father to daughters.

“I know the feeling of families of those still under captivity but we have to remain hopeful especially with today’s development.”

Can there be anything more appropriate to say than the fact that this is a classical way of describing incompetence and failure in governance at all levels?

A girl was violated for 7 years and at the end,she had to save herself by becoming a
child-mother with 2 kids?Can there be anything worse to describe the failure of a country than this?

It is heartbreaking and saddening .
No questions whether the Boko Haram man who forcefully married her in captivity was also a captive or a terrorrist who came back under cover or camouflage?

Was he among some innocent young men who were adopted or conscripted by Boko Haram .?
What exactly is the situation?
Was he a repentant terrorrist?

The very movie about terrorrism in this country seems not to be getting the desired attention.
Is it that in this case, love has blind eyes?

We should cover our heads in shame .Our hearts should be broken seeing the Government parading her as some wholesome story along with her captor.

At the very worst,knowing that she has gotten a lifetime trauma whenever she casts her mind back to her present status with two children without her consent, at an unexpected age ,when she would have been graduating from high school.
She will definitely tell her children how they came about

I am so disappointed seeing the narratives from media organizations describing a rapist,a criminal,a terrorrist as her husband without any background on how he became one.

What qualified him to be a husband.
Is it after paying her bride price with parental consent?
The Nigerian media remains part of our problem.

Some even are addressing them as “the couple had two children”and the editorial board could not find better words?No mention of kidnapping or her being a victim?

Some even were using words like “surrendered to the military” as if she was a terrorrist herself,as if the abducted student was an enemy of the state like her rapist.What a callous level of insensitivity.

I cannot imagine the type of trauma these girls have been through,it is very sad that the country has failed them and expect them to be patriotic.

It is possible that all the terrorrists may be returning as husbands.It is possible for them to accompany these girls to escape prosecution for abduction and rape of teenage girls under the necessary laws.

With the hostage situation in the country, where school girls are being kidnapped and now coming back as wives.
With more than 10 million out of school children in the North , this is another dimension.No doubt the country is heading for further free fall in another direction.

This is a precedent,there is nothing we cannot see or hear in this Government.

For those who are welcoming “Boko Haram husbands” without asking questions or prosecution,
God will surely judge them on behalf of these innocent girls.

The blood of those that were killed by these terrorists shall never cease crying to God for justice.(Copied Lacasa F)

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