John Mayaki and His Flirting Imagination

Opinion Politics
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By Dr. Francis Omo-Osunde Iyasere

Ordinarily, as a former Publicity Secretary to PDP and a Strategist, it wouldn’t have been necessary for me to react to the flirting imagination of one vexacious John Mayaki who’s self-determined mandate is to sleep and wake up with horrendous political imaginations and then put them into writings. I read with utter dismay one such of his befuddling release where he claim Edo PDP members will be shocked and disappointed over the yet to announced cabinet nominees by Governor Obaseki, and that he is privy to the list. My questions are how does this concern John Mayaki of APC? Is this not an act of busybody where a non-relative will be seen crying more than the bereaved? Why not allow the announcement come and also allow PDP members cry? What exactly is his duty in helping PDP members to cry? Are people not supposed to bear the consequences of their decisions again?

The truth is, the reading public no longer take this rapturous prophet of doom called John Mayaki serious. If we cast our minds backwards to the times prior to the gubernatorial election of 2020, we would remember how he accused Bar. Mike Igini, the INEC Commissioner of Akwa Ibom, of receiving ‘sacks of money’ from Governor Obaseki before the election. We can also recall how Bar. Mike Igini filed a N10 billion libel suit against David Imuse, a factional chairperson of APC in Edo then and this same John Mayaki. He also filed a separate suit demanding N5 billion as damages from Messrs Imuse and this same John Mayaki.

This lie-full mouthy individual called John Mayaki in his Christmas Day release said the story on Mr Igini was “fatally wrong and unable to pass credibility check. This is an embarrassment even to my humble self.” As a matter of fact, there is nothing humble about John Mayaki because he likes peddling fake news and outright falsehood.

John Mayaki further said in the damage control release, “unfortunately” allowed his political interest, and not his judgement as a professional journalist, to guide him on the information about Mr Igini which he said he got from a “source”. As a journalist, won’t it have been proper for him to verify his information? That’s the manner of journalist he is; the cash-and-carry type.

John Mayaki, in a bid to further deconstruct himself said, “I have taken time to scrutinise and review my source, the story itself and also listened to the testimony of other credible persons on this statement and the impeccable character of Mr. Mike Igini and have come to the conclusion and admission that something went wrong – my investigation and findings have now revealed that the story was not only untrue but unable to pass integrity and credibility checks.

“This source did not only mislead me to mislead the people but also to impugn on the reputation of Mr. Mike Igini and for which I am deeply embarrassed – I apologise.

“I tender my profound apology to Mr. Mike Igini, the Governor of Edo state, Mr Godwin Obaseki, Mr. Anselm Ojezua – whose names appeared in that statement and on whom the story touches directly. By extension, I apologise to the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) for the inconveniences or embarrassment this statement has occasioned them as I hold Mr. Mike Igini in the highest esteem.

“I will learn from these embarrassing moments and am determined to win back the confidence of my readers by putting in more hard work in whatever assignment under my supervision.”

All these futive denials coming directly from him, Mayaki should not be taken serious as he is only seeking relevance.

I will advise the public not to listen to his proposed Facebook broadcast slated for the 6th of August; the purpose is to set PDP members against each other and against the government of Edo State.

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