The Power Of A Visit

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“For as soon as I heard the sound of your greeting, the child in my womb leaped for joy.” (Luke 1:44)

Mary’s visit to Elizabeth was the best gift Elizabeth needed at that point in time. Apart from her poor social reputation as ‘the barren woman’, Elizabeth had another downside; she was advanced in age. Has it ever occurred to you the magnitude of sufferings endured by old people who are childless? When last did you pay a visit to a home for the elderly?

The third issue with Elizabeth was that she was now pregnant. For someone who was always alone, Elizabeth needed someone around to help out. As soon as Mary heard about Elizabeth’s condition, she left everything else behind and ran all the way to help out.

Mary did not consider the fact that she had just become the Mother of God. She ran to become a servant to Elizabeth and she remained with her three months until she gave birth to John the Baptist.

Dear friends, as we celebrate the Visitation of Mary today, we too are called to develop the habit of visiting others, not simply our friends but those in need of help. When you never reach out to help, you always assume your problems are the greatest in the world but in truth, everyone has a cross to carry.

And the secret of life is this: when you help someone carry his cross, yours become lighter. If you think life is hard, look around you and you will see those dreaming to be given twice of your problems in exchange for theirs. Be like Mary, reach out, visit, help, don’t be self-centred.

Mary sang the Magnificat when she got to the house of Elizabeth. This Magnificat is a song similar to that of Hannah when she gave birth to Samuel after being childless for some time. The Magnificat is a song that teaches us to regard ourselves as nothing before God, a song that condemns pride and shows God’s preferential care for the hungry and despised.

Let us pray: Lord Jesus, touch my heart to act like Mary who visited Elizabeth and brought joy to her home. May I be a carrier of joy wherever I go. Amen.

Bible Study: Zephaniah 3:14-18, Psalm {Isaiah 12:1-3} and Luke 1:39-56).

Fr. Abu

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