Zakzaky distributes food, cash to Journalists others to mark Sallah

Nigerian News
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The leader Islamic Movement in Nigeria, IMN, Sheik Ibraheem El Zakzakky on Sunday Morning brought succor to thousands of Kaduna ctizens by distributing  food items and making cash donations to mark the up coming sallah festivities.

The Food items include bags of rice, millet and cash ranging from N1500 to  N3000 per individuals .

Among the beneficiaries of Sheik Zakzaky’s largess are journalists, social workers, market men and women .Furthermore, Christians and Muslims , peoples of other faiths apart from Muslims and Christians  were also captured.

One of the recipient , Mr. Ezekiel  Bavorang of Sharp Corner, Nasarawa, Kaduna South, thanked the Sheik Zakzsky for putting a simile on his face during this festive period .

“I wish to thank Zakzaky for thus bag of rice and N3000 cash donation .it will help put food on mu table for the next 30 days.

He added that being a Christian, it is a thing of joy for him to a Muslim leader preaching love .

A market women, Ladidi Shehu who got N3000 ,half bag of rice and millet expressed her joy thus :

” I am a widow and doing petty trading at the central market, these gifts would ameliorate the hard times for me .

“May Allah provide for the Sheik and bless him the more , she added.

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