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We must know that when the instrument to execute a process is faulty the product will also be poor with irregularities.

In the pass it has been confirmed that our electoral law is weak and outdated, so could not be able to delivered to us a free and fair electoral result.

The national Assembly took steps to amend the electoral act, as it is their principal responsibility, but went half way to sweep it under the carpet.
In 2018, President Muhammadu Buhari refuses to accent to the amended act on the claim best known to him.

After due pressure from Nigerians, the National Assembly assured us that the amended act will be pass to law before the end of the first Quarter of the year 2021, today no one is talking about it.

I want to call on the youths of Nigeria, and to remind us that, the future of this country lays in our hands.
Let raise up with one voice to build a process that will guarantee and usher in good leadership in Nigeria.

All Nigerian Youths Pressure groups should raise up with one voice and act towards compelling the National Assembly to revisit and execute the legal instruments towards securing our votes in all our elections.

I call on our National Assembly members to as a matter of urgency execute the instrument as they earlier promised Nigerians.
Do not destroy the confidence the electorates have in you.
Do the needful to eradicate the:

  • Unwanted lost of lives during electionery activities.
  • election violence
  • election irregularities etc.

The National Assembly should know that by executing the amended electoral act into law, they will write their names in Gold and this generation will appreciate them in diverse ways.

Nigeria National Assembly, you are our only hope for free and fair election comes 2023 and beyond.

Save Nigeria !

Hon. Zachariah Sunday Diwong.
National President Youths Integrity Network.

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