Covid-19: Kaduna commences enforcement of strick compliance of safety rules

Nigerian News
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…Alleges low level in North

By Achadu Gabriel, Kaduna

Kaduna state government has commenced strick enforcement of compliance to second wave of COVID-19 pandemic in the state.
Security and civil enforcement agents on Wednesday tookover strategic areas within the metropolis to ensure full compliance.

Some of the enforcement agent who interacted with our correspondent however disclosed that even though the compliant level is high, there was need to enforced more compliance in some areas especially in Kaduna North where the compliant level is lower compare to Kaduna South.
On where the cases of the infection is higher, going by his observation, the Kaduna State Environmental Law Enforcement Authority (KASTELEA) officer, who could not mention his name ,declined comment.

Unauthorized sources however revealed to our correspondent that the new wave of COVID-19 infection cases are higher in kaduna North. The source also alleged that the level of enforcement and compliant is also quite higher in South than the North, but could not adduce any reason for his opinion..
An eyewitness who boarded bus town service, also collaborated KASTELEA offers position, and shared that most commuters seen in Kawo – town bus services were free without nose or facemasks.
We’ll keep our audience posted on subsequent development in kaduna that has recorded high rate of the infection in recent time.

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