Stop Salihu Mustapha before he kills Adamawa APC

By Abdulrahaman Kwacham More than 40 million eligible voters on the roll of a political party is no mean feat…and can only come by a dint of hard work. For this, All Progressives Congress (APC), the ruling party at the federal level and most of the federation, prides itself as Africa’s largest political movement. That […]

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Beyond Party Rhymes: Why Senator Bwacha should be Taraba Gubernatorial Consensus Candidate for 2023

By Matthew Denis, Abuja Change becomes inevitable in human endeavors so the political procedures and gimmicks in our heterogeneous society. In all ramifications, there’s a gradual shift in the Nigerian Political nomenclature from where few elites decides or dictates candidature vying for particular positions to the electorates power of votes reflecting a true Democratic architecture […]

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