Eid-el-Kabir:  Rt Hon   Magaji   Calls For Unity, Sacrifice,  Compassion Amidst Hardship

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Rt. Hon. Amos Gwamna Magaji, the esteemed representative of the Zangon Kataf/Jaba Federal Constituency in Kaduna,  has extended his heartfelt felicitations to the Muslim faithful on the auspicious occasion of Eid-el-Kabir.

In his message, he emphasized the significance of this sacred festival, which commemorates the willingness of Prophet Ibrahim to sacrifice his son in obedience to God’s command. 

Hon. Magaji encouraged all Nigerians, regardless of their religious affiliations, to embrace the spirit of sacrifice, selflessness, and devotion that Eid-el-Kabir embodies. 

He urged the nation to use this occasion to pray fervently and place their trust in God’s unwavering mercies, especially as the country navigates through times of economic and social hardship.

Furthermore, Hon. Magaji called upon the citizens to reinforce the bonds of unity, love, and mutual respect.

 He stressed the importance of these values in fostering national cohesion and peace. 

“By nurturing a sense of patriotism and working together harmoniously, Nigerians can overcome challenges and build a prosperous future for all,” he said.

In his message, Hon. Magaji also highlighted the role of Eid-el-Kabir in promoting compassion and charitable giving. 

He encouraged the faithful to extend their hands to the less fortunate, ensuring that the joy and blessings of the festival are shared with those in need. 

Through these collective efforts, Hon. Magaji believes that Nigeria can achieve greater unity and resilience, paving the way for enduring peace and development.

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