Zaria Mosque Collapse: Northern Governors Commiserates  Emir Of Zazzau, Affected Families

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The Chairman of the Northern Governors’ Forum and Governor of Gombe State, Muhammadu Inuwa Yahaya, CON has extended his deepest condolences and heartfelt sympathies to the families affected by the tragic collapse of parts of the Zaria Central Mosque which claimed the lives of many individuals and left numerous others injured in Zaria, Kaduna State.
In a statement,  Governor Inuwa Yahaya described the incident as heart-wrenching  tragedy which sent shockwaves, not only in the ancient city but across the nation.
“Our thoughts and prayers are with all those who have been affected by this heart-wrenching tragedy. During this difficult time, we stand in solidarity with the families of the victims, offering our support and solace as they navigate through their grief and pain”.
According to a statement signed by the Director-General (Press Affairs)
Government House Gombe, Ismaila Uba Misilli,  Governor Inuwa Yahaya emphasized the need for relevant authorities to investigate the circumstances surrounding this unfortunate incident and put measures to prevent the recurrence.
“It is imperative that we learn from this tragedy and implement effective preventive measures to safeguard lives and uphold the sanctity of places of worship. Safety and security within places of worship are of paramount importance, and we must work collectively to ensure the well-being of our citizens as they engage in acts of worship”.
The Chairman of the Northern Governors’ Forum commiserated with His Royal Highness, the Emir of Zazzau, Ambassador Ahmad Nuhu Bamalli, the government of Kaduna State and the entire Muslim community.
” We share in your grief and that of the entire Emirate, and extend our arms in support. Our faith and unity shall provide the strength to overcome this tragedy and emerge stronger from the sorrowful event”.
The Governor prayed Almighty Allah to reward the deceased with Aljannat Firdaus,  grant solace to the bereaved families and quick recovery to the injured.

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