Moses said to God, ‘Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh and bring the sons of Israel out of Egypt?’” (Exodus 3:11)
Moses asked God a question you may have asked yourself several times; “who am I?” Who am I to solve insecurity in my country? Who am I to write a book? Who am I to start a company? Who am I to think of becoming my organisation’s president, boss, or leader? And so forth.
Do you notice how God answered Moses’ question? “I will be with you…” This is the Good News for you today. It is not about who you are but who God is. When next you catch yourself asking ‘Who am I?’ know that you are asking the wrong question. Left to yourself, you can do nothing but with God on your side; you do anything!
Despite being fed and catered for by the Palace, Moses grew up knowing he was not an Egyptian. He did not allow comfort and luxury to get to him. He had a burning passion for his people. At a young age, Moses did not ask: “Who am I?” He felt he was someone, and he knew he wanted to do something about the oppression of his people by the Egyptians.
Relying on his strength, Moses fulfilled his passion only to make a costly mistake; he was murdered by killing an Egyptian. When Moses discovered this was not a secret, he fled for his life, which would have been the sad end of his dream. It wasn’t until Moses had grown old and lost every atom of self-confidence that God appeared to him again in the burning bush. This was to teach Moses a lesson in humility.
Like Moses, there is a burning passion within us, something you want to do. Do not rush into it relying solely on your strengths; let your burning desire lead you to your burning bush – that is, begin by consulting God. Pray about it and ask God to show you the way. Know that you are only an instrument. God will only work through you when you are humble.
In our Gospel passage today, Jesus says a prayer of thanksgiving to God for hiding things from the wise (those so full of themselves) and revealing them to the babies (those who are humble). Left to yourself, you can do nothing but with God on your side; you can do anything.
Let us pray: Almighty ever-living God, open my heart to know why you made me. Please give me the wisdom to pursue my dreams by putting you first in all my plans. Through our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen
Bible Study: Exodus 3:1-6,9-12, Ps. 103:1-4,6-7, Matthew 11:25-27).*
@Rev. Fr. Evaristus E. Abu