2023: Miyetti Allah Endorses Uba Sani For Kaduna  Governor

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For what they described as his rare qualities, coupled with the need to consolidate on the achievements of the Governor Nasir el-Rufai-led administration, Miyyetti Allah Kautal Hore (Fulani Socio- Cultural Association of Nigeria Kaduna State Chapter) has endorsed the gubernatorial candidate of the All Progressives Congress in the state, Senator  Uba Sani ahead of the 2023 polls.

Leader of the group, Yusuf Usman Garba (Usmaniyya)  expressed this in his speech at an event to make their preferred candidate known, at the Stone Hedge Hotel on Saturday December 17.

“Ladies and gentlemen, it is also imperative for this association to appreciate tremendously the establishment of Kaduna State Livestock Regulatory Authority under Malam  Nasir  Ahmed el-Rufa’i administration which has since put it foot on ground running and so far results have been achieved in various ways .

“For these and much more, ladies and gentlemen, we decided to demonstrate our appreciation and unbridled support for Senator Uba Sani in recognition of the fact that when he finally enters Sir Kashim Ibrahim House, he will undoubtedly continue from where his predecessor Malam Nasir Ahmed el-Rufa’i left off, while also believing that Senator Uba Sani is no stranger or novice to politics of developmental Economy and advancement.

“Distinguished ladies and gentlemen, today is epochal, based on this, our association wholeheartedly endorses the contest and aspiration of Distinguished Senator Uba Sani for his belief in carrying every one along with fairness and the attributes of justice to all,” the group said.

According to them, “Germane  to these, Malam Uba Sani has a lofty antecedence which are too numerous to stand here and mention, but I will try to say some which include the first and pioneer Member of renown activism in the Northern region which forced  the Military out of power and equally led to his incarceration.  He did all of these with humanity in his heart and Northern Nigeria in his soul.

“He was also the spokesperson to President Olusegun Obasanjo, where he demonstrated exemplary candor, courage and patriotism in his delivery, he is also a great political and administrative strategist which is rare to come by in our post-colonial polity. His insight has tremendous effect to some of the successes of Malam Nasir Ahmed el-Rufa’is administration.

“His sojourn in the Senate has assisted this administration to access developmental privileges and the Country at large.  He is also the Senator with the highest Bills sponsored.

“His ideology is steeped in maturity, excellence and human development which have been carefully coordinated in a well-balanced platform of ideas. Senator Uba Sani has come, he has seen and he has conquered the travesty of political permutation through the Military interregnum to where we are today,” the group pointed out.

Speaking further, Usmaniyya said that, “there are much more to say about Malam Uba Sani; a shining example of a good human being but time will not allow.  They all form part of the reason for our collective endorsement of him as our sole candidate.”

He explained that the  association is the vanguard and flagship of various Fulbe and pastoralists across the twenty three (23) local government areas of Kaduna State.

“In view of the present scenario of political dynamism and upcoming elections, we have taken the bold step of mobilizing and enlightenment of our members across the nooks and crannies of Kaduna State to not only possess their PVCs but equally support and endorse a single candidate who deeply believes, and with all sense of sincerity, will justify our endorsement and hope.

“Ladies and gentlemen, for long this association has been guided by patriotism and nationalism which led us to follow and exhaust all due processes that are constitutionally allowed to register with Corporate Affairs Commission, Kaduna State Ministry  of Human Services and Social Development and Kaduna State Ministry of Business, Innovation & Technology respectively which ultimately provided us with the legal mandate and Constitutional Right to pursue the Socio- economic development of our people in areas of productivity,  which include; Livestock productivity, animal husbandry, modern Agricultural techniques, educational enhancements and entrepreneurial  skills acquisition for effective market accessibility and tapping of potentials.

“Ladies and gentlemen, this speech will not be complete or possess any weight if we do not with all sense of fidelity thank our ebullient Governor Malam Nasir Ahmed el-Rufa’i for his unflinching support, empathy and demonstration of fatherly responsibilities which all culminated into reviewing the Gazette of some of the moribund Grazing Reserves in Kaduna State.  This is indeed a foot print on the sands of time which will remain indelible in our minds and the general wellbeing of our people.

“Distinguished Ladies and gentlemen, moving forward, kindly permit me to proudly say that Malam Nasir Ahmed el-Rufa’i administration has equally constructed over one thousand Housing units in Damau Kubau Local Government Area for the comfort of the pastoralists which going by existing analysis will undoubtedly make it much easier for Identification, moderation and on the long run; produce a cohesive and collaborative neighborhood.  There is no words that could define our gratitude for this effort.

 “Finally, ladies and gentlemen; this speech will not be complete also without passionately and with all sense of fidelity THANK Malam Balarabe Abbas Lawal, the Secretary to the state Government and Professor Muhammad Sani Bello, (Mainan Zazzau) the Director General CAMPAIGN Council for their support to Senator Uba Sani respectively.

“May Allah swt guide all of us. And from our own side, we applaud the role of Sardaunan Kagarko Alhaji Abdullahi Ahmad Tibbo for the success of this occasion,” he added.

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