I was confused when God answered us; Mrs Igwe reveals as she narrates her experience of years of childlessness   

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By Olivia Obijiaku

On Sunday, 30th October, 2022, Mrs. Mary Igwe, the wife of the Vice Chairman of Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN), Sabo Gari Chapter, Barr John Igwe disclosed to stadt daily.news how she was thrown off balance when her long awaited moment of breakthrough came.

Mrs. Igwe who got married twenty five years ago informed that she waited for almost six years before she could conceive and prayed that no woman goes through similar experience because of the ordeal that accompanies such state.   


Barr John and Mrs. Mary Igwe

“Yes, it can be very challenging and you hear many things.” She admitted. “Sometimes, when you go out, you will be on your own. Some people will not even allow you to carry their children and you pray to God to have own child. But thank God, it is now in the past. I remember when I was seeing a gynecologist in ABUTH Tudun Wada, every year we would register, buy soap and detergent. I registered the first, second year and every year I would say, ‘this will be the end.’ I became tired at a time though I still had the conviction that God will give us a child one day.”

“One day, I was sent to the Chief Gynecologist, Dr Shittu with my laboratory result. When he opened it and congratulated me. He told me that the result was positive. I became confused. I was like ‘What is positive again?’ But he repeated, “This is positive.” I said, ‘What is positive?’ He then told me that I was pregnant. That was how God answered us. When I had my first daughter, I took in for the second one after six months. So, it was another issue but both of them are like twins now. I hid sometimes and wore big clothes to occasions to conceal my pregnancy but my husband would tell me that I have done nothing wrong. One woman saw me in the market one day and said, ‘again?’ I had to check if people were hearing her. But my mum was very happy. My family even took my daughter so that I could have a relief.”  

Barr John and Mrs. Mary Igwe and others

“When you do not have this problem, you may not know what others are facing. Sometimes when you go to the hospital, if you do not have any problem, the doctor will only check you and maybe give your another appointment, but when there is a problem, they will tie these legs and you have to endure since you are in need.” 

The mother of four who is grateful to God for seeing them through the challenging period advised those in waiting to keep praying and trusting God with ease, because “it was when I forgot about the issue that the answer came. There are ups and downs in marriage. But you can learn from other people’s experience. When you hear from others, you make your own to be better.  Sometimes, you need to overlook some things for the sake of peace.”


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