Retired General Vs Kebbe: EFCC Appealed Upon To Deliver Diligent Prosecution

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An appeal has been made to the Chairman of the Economic and Financial  Crimes Commission (EFCC),  Mr. Abdulrasheed Bawa by some patriotic Nigerians  to act vividly on most of the matters  in their custody.

The appeal was made known during an interactive session organised by a youth organisation in Kaduna  on Sunday June 26, 2022, where a case of a retired Army General who was swindled, topped the complaints.

During the event, most of the participants commended the anti graft agency, but emphasized that they should do more.

While sharing his opinion on the matter, one Baba Kamalundeen   said that  the agency was established to to bring succour to Nigeria especially in area of retrieving  stolen money from looters.

He   highlighted  one key area  the agency needs to act well, pointing out that someone allegedly looted government fund or some fund the agency needs to urgently follow  all the necessary steps to see that they prosecute the individual by ensuring they follow the case to the end without fear or favour.

He narrated a pending case in court that the EFCC needs to look into the case, which was adjourned to September 29, 2022.

He explained that it is  a case in which one Yushau  Muhammad Kebbe allegedly collected a total  sum of 80 million Naira from an Army General, who happens to be on a peace keeping mission in Sudan  under the United Nations some years back that in 2006 and later again  collected  another  sum of over one billion of Naira this time around when converted from  156 million dollars  sent to him.

“By the time  the legendary general  was back to the country, he then  asked for his money but all efforts proved abortive as Kebbe  allegedly converted the money to his personnel use,” he said. 

Mallam Baban Kamalu  narrated that,  where he faults the anti graft agency  is that after the case was reported to them, although they swung into action and even took the matter to the court, where the accused person, Yushau Muhammad Kebbe pleaded not guilty and was remanded in prison,  but later granted bail and  has since been going about his normal business.

“The case is still pending for  more than three years he urge the agency and court to do more in prosecuting such  people  people that were allege destroying the nation and also  playing the card of destruction among friends in his remark,  the leader of Buhari Old Boys, a scholar, Malam Nasiru Muhammad made  his appeal to the Minister of Justice and the Attorney General of the Federation,  Abubakar Malami to look into  and  ensure speedy dispensation  of those types of cases by checkmating the agency and the likes and also the judges so that justice will be asserting.

Malam Nasiru wondered how  someone  that was alleged to  have defrauded his childhood friend  of over a billion of Naira and later granted  bail,  only refunded 20 million  Naira and even his property that were seized.

“We appeal to the  Commander-in-chief and President of Federal Republic of Nigeria,  Muhammadu Buhari to come to the aid of such victims,” he said.

It would be recalled that Kebbe who is  a childhood friend to the general,   nearly denied his children good qualitative education when the General was in  Sudan, his son needed some  funds to to  further his education abroad, but Yushau Kebbe denied him  by refusing to transfer what was needed to him even after receiving  series of calls and text messages from the General, it prove abortive.

Although  the general being a devout Muslim and Yushau Muhammad Kebbe also of the  same faith, the matter is billed for hearing  on July 14 at Daura Road Sharia Court  against Yushau Muhammed Kebbe over alleged breach of trust and cheating.

Another case being prosecuted by the EFCC  in High Court Kaduna, comes up on September 29, 2022, all against Kebbe who allegedly defrauded an army general over a billion Naira.

 If found wanting, he will be punished  under section 312 of the  penal code.

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