There is no progress without development – Prof Nkom

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By Olivia Obijiaku 

A Professor of Art Education at the Ahmadu Bellow University (ABU) Zaria and one of the newly appointed members of the National Board of Trustees of Catholic Women Organization of Nigeria (CWON), Prof (Mrs.) Rose Nkom has identified development as the pathway to greater heights. She made this known as the Chairperson of the Commissioning of the Modern Rice Mill Factory in Our Lady of Perpetual Help Pastoral Centre on Thursday, 28th April 2022.

Guests watch with keen interest while Bishop Kundi powers the mills as guided by Fr Kagarko l

The chairperson described the rice mill factory as a sign that the diocese is growing progressively soliciting support and patronage for the sustenance of the venture.    

“Development is key to every individual.”  Prof Nkom asserted. “We have moved a very big step further by the commissioning of the CATHDIZA Farms. “When I saw all the equipment that was brought in, I kept wondering, so we can get to this point? I am an artist and what an artist does is to encourage people to be creative, thinking ahead, marching ahead and looking ahead so that you don’t just sit but begin to think where to move to. We cannot move without development and we have gotten somebody in this diocese who is very creative as far as moving the diocese is concerned. He started this at the minor seminary in Zaria with poultry farm and now we have grown.”

 Prof (Mrs.) Nkom and others awed by the well equipped factory

“We wish to thank God for the person of Fr. Mike Kagarko and all those who have worked with him tirelessly for this day. We have come to appreciate you and the Catholic Diocese of Zaria and all that it has taken you to get to this level. We can only do it by supporting you in whatever way. It is not just to come for the commissioning. We have to come in here to look for rice. We are expected to come and buy and if possible give advices on how this will move forward. I thank God we have quite a number of people I know that can advise you. And that is exactly what has brought us.” 

“This is for better growth. The Zazzau Emirate is here. Our priests generally are not self-centered. We saw the workers. They extend their hands to everybody that around them. That is why we have workers across tribe and religion. So please, we have invited you so you can see what is happening and take our message out so that we have good harvest at the end of the day.”   

She further encouraged her home bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Kafanchan, Most Rev Dr. Julius Yakubu Kundi to emulate the venture and duplicate such gesture  

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