Nigeria Army working with Boko Haram fighters commits suicide In Yobe

Crime story
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By Achadu Gabriel, Kaduna

Lance Corporal Jibrin (other names withheld) a Nigerian Army battalion instructor in Geidam, Yobe State, committed suicide after exposition of his alleged roles with insurgence. He committed suicide after being apprehended for allegedly conspiring with Boko Haram insurgents who recently attacked Yobe communities.

Jibrin, who vanished from his duty post a few days ago, was reportedly seen among the Boko Haram insurgents who invaded Geidam town last week. According to military authorities, the soldier was monitored by army intelligence and discovered on Tuesday in Gashua, hundreds of kilometers from his deployment station.

“He was handcuffed, and during interrogation, he divulged a great deal, resulting in the arrest of some of his accomplices.” “He grabbed a revolver from one of his escorts on the way to Geidam, outpowered the other, and shot himself.”

Lt Kennedy Anyewau, a spokesman for the Army’s sector II operation Hadinkai Damaturu, verified the incident when contacted. “Yes, we received a tip of a soldier who committed himself yesterday evening, and a comprehensive investigation is underway to determine what happened,” he stated. For the time being, that is all I can say about the situation.” However, an officer who requested anonymity provided additional details regarding the incident.

“It is true that Jibrin was apprehended and eventually killed himself; he was a very skilled soldier, he was a member of our group, and when his actions became suspect, he disappeared.” “It’s no surprise that the last Boko Haram operation in Geidam surprised us all because we had prepared for them, but they caught us off guard by using a new strategy that differed from what they are known for: they sneaked into the town silently without a vehicle, and there was no sound of gunshots.”

“We assumed they had insiders,” the source continued, “and once a beam light was set out, the question mark fell on Jibrin.”

The question consistently been asked by right thinking Nigerians without corresponding answer is how someone in handcuff could turn round to grabbed revolver from an escort and shot himself?

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