Sanda is brave politician suitable for 2023 Adamawa North

News Opinion
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The assertion that Adamawa state is a land of beauty is a fact beyond a mere slogan. It’s a land endowed with many beautiful scenes that nature has endowed in many parts of the state. The state is endowed with the beauty of humanity. It’s a blessed land with many ethnic groups (tribes). The people are uniquely different with enormous potential for excellence in many areas of endeavour, leadership inclusive.

Suffice it to say that there is yet another man, one man who is exceptionally beautiful inside out. He is an embodiment of talent and a host unto good works, great philanthropist, a leader per excellence, and an international business mogul. I’m glad to bring to your notice that Sanda Umar Iya stands out, he is another Adamawa good man whose leadership potential is yet to be fully harnessed. Little worry therefore when this man is allowed to move freely without placing on his shoulders leadership responsibility. Could it be that somebody is not seeing what I’m seeing? I’m seeing a blazing, brazing, and plausible rank of leadership on this man.

Adamawa North Senatorial zone has a talent, an exceptional personality, whose ingenuity is for selfless service,. Iya is wired with perfect ability to serve the people of Adamawa, and Nigerians by extension to unleash his vast experience.

Sanda, an international business tycoon, a philanthropist, is on constant touch with the constituents of the Adamawa North Senatorial District, his watershed developmental projects, humanitarian services to the five local government areas of Mubi North, Mubi South, Maiha, Madagali and Michika (5M) for many years have said it all – he can be a good representative. Iya has never be in government, but as a major contractor and business mogul, he has executed many constituency projects. His performance is now a reference point for others to take a clue of good leadership in Adamawa state.

The water projects constructed free of charge in many Adamawa communities, Iya though not in government but the job creation by his companies and secular jobs influenced for many young people across the five local government areas of his constraints are commendable.

Umar is a one politician that can never be into political razmatazz as far as Adamawa state is concerned. He is a core politician who knows the game. He is a principled grassroots politician and made him a man with the people’s mandate. Sanda is a a thorough bred politician. Sending him to represent Adamawa Northern zone is the best decision the people of the state can ever make.

The ever-ready to pull Adamawa North from the woods, the brooks of stagnant waters of bad representation, Iya earned strategic training courses in leadership and service to humanity. He traveled a lot for business and leadership purposes in making sure humanity enjoys the blessings of God.

Indeed, Adamawa state is fortunate to have the likes of Umar who by nature is not a man that’s good in blowing his own trumpet. Working close to him, I realised he has it all, regarding who will save the Adamawa North Senatorial Zone from years of leadership bastardization.

He is different from other power mongers (the system is saturated with people who are majorly after their gains. The system is bad with leaders who do not know what is leadership and service to humanity. My desire is for Sanda Umar Iya to be our next Senator from Adamawa Northern Senatorial zone. It’s beautiful to say that the great business man is devoid of any primordial sentiment. My view is based on the objectivity of who he is – an International business mogul, philanthropist, and a true democrat whose value system is God and humanity, selfless service to all on fairness, justice, and all-inclusive government.

Umar will embark on a headlong massive infrastructural development, employment, wooing investors into the state because of his international connection with many world leaders. He will revive the agriculture sector, improve the education sector, introduce a world standard health care system for the people, and above all he will galvanize the country and the zone with perfect laws that will transform humanity.

Because of the glaring facts and political realities in Adamawa state, this is to gear up hope that the existing gaps of ineptitude will be better filled by Mallam Sanda Iya Umar an erudite personality of our time. I’m on an appeal mission, Iya is the man to beat, the real servant whose excellent leadership abilities have never been properly tapped. Let my people of Adamawa North give him a home push because he is a man that can fulfill dream. My people of the Northern zone, I present to you hope for a better tomorrow, a gentleman of excellence, a down-to-earth personality who is a golden gift for our dear state.

My Adamawa people, I’m deeply convinced that Iya will be a pillar to straighten our democratic norms in the state in this 21st century globalized democracy. He is always a man in action who you can buy his words at all times, “he doesn’t speak change, but he makes change by putting a plan in action to assure people are all satisfied with his change mantra.

My concern and worry are about the state of affairs in our land of beauty. We are a state with a vicious cycle of serious underdevelopment because of bad leadership over the years.The gap between development and underdevelopment is wide. It takes only a man like Iya to fill the gap.

This is a passionate appeal to the people of Adamawa and other well-meaning Nigerians to compel the man in the know of leadership, business and politics to fully participate in the coming 2023 general elections.

Aliyu Mubi
Opinion analyst writes from Jimeta, Yola,
Adamawa state via

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