AMDF trains 25 Journalists On leadership, strategic plan

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By Achadu Gabriel, Kaduna

Africa Media Development Foundation (AMDF) in collaboration with the Nigeria Union of Journalists (NUJ) Kaduna Council, have trained 25 Journalists on leadership and strategic plan.

The training which lasted for two days is aimed towards improving on participants leadership and management skills, supervision and delegating tasks, conflict management, mentoring and coaching.

One of the resource persons who doubles as the Executive Director of the foundation, Mr. Iliya Kure explained that leadership is the ability to influence the behavior and way of work of other people towards achieving a common goal.

He advised the participants who are mainly the executive of the council and chairmen of all chapels in Kaduna state to ensure they have a shared vision which could be inherited by their successors when they left office.

Kure urged the participants to adopt the spirit of coaching and mentoring others who could perform their exact roles in their absence.

He said leadership is about creating two things which is inspiration and result, but participants should motivate their members as that would aid in maintaining a goal oriented behaviour.

A participants and Chairman of the NUJ Kaduna state council, Asma’u Yawo Halilu urged members to utilize the knowledge they have gained from the training in running the affairs of their different chapels.

“A memorandum of understanding was signed last two weeks and we have just concluded the leadership training. Subsequently, members from different chapels will also undergo the training.”

It could be recalled that the Nigeria Union of Journalists (NUJ), Kaduna Council, has signed the MoU with the AMDF on leadership training some few weeks ago.

The term of the MoU is expected to last throughout the tenure of the new leadership but subjects to review yearly to ensure it fulfils its purpose.

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