Taraba debts profile about N200bn – Bwacha Aide

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By Matthew Denis Abuja

The Special Assistant to Senator Emmanuel Bwacha on Media and Strategy, Amb. Muri Rikwense has disclosed that the debt profile of Taraba state is running into N200billions naira.

He made the disclosure during a world press conference of Bwacha Political Organization held in Abuja on Monday.

He said ” Under Governor Ishaku the Taraba state is gradually becoming a laughing stock in the comity of states in Nigeria. The looting of Taraba is on an industrial scale. It is both horrible and almost unrelenting. Apart from the petty theft and direct stealing going on, the state is constantly being enmeshed in loans that are piling up by the day. The state loan profile now is close to N200 billion. The irony is there is nothing to show for all the borrowing.

Everyone remembers the ill-fated cucumber farm with the governor getting mocked as Baba cucumber- a pun played on the crazy 2billion naira cucumber farm he started and ran aground in Taraba state.

” While other governors are commissioning flyovers, the one Darius started long ago at the capital Jalingo is now being mocked as a “center table”! The outrageous cost of the flyover aside, the project looks like it won’t ever end. Contractors are not being paid and when eventually they are, they are made to return monies through the back door. The results is projects are stalled all over the state.

According to him the media has been recently inundated with all sorts of hogwash against Senator Emmanuel Bwacha sponsored directly with tax payers money of the Taraba people by the governor, Architect Darius Ishaku.

He accused the Governor of paying hoodlums and shady characters heavily to distract attention from the massive looting, divisive politics and bad governance in the state.

“instead of concentrating and working, the War Against Bwacha is all he can find to do. How a GOVERNOR can descend so low as to be openly recruiting and funding well known thugs and criminals just to tarnish Senator Bwacha’s name is beyond the pale.

” That the governor is trying hard to divide the people of Taraba state religious lines by encouraging faith based organisations inflammatory statements. Currently, a volatile situation is afoot with both Christians and Muslims bodies at each other’s throat.

“Christians and Muslims have always found ways to live together in the past because of the interfaith efforts of past governors. Darius is not sustaining this but rather fanning the embers of religious strife. He is not able to manage the diversity of our state – a diversity that has been the basis of our unity for long. Rather, he is busy poorly playing divide and rule politics. If he is not called to order, he would plunge the state into a religious crisis. “

The Aide stressed that Governor Ishaku is pathologically fixated on Senator Bwacha and is almost possessed in his quest to distract the lawmaker. Senator Bwacha recently left the PDP for the governor to join the APC.

“But it will interest you to know that the Governor is still having nightmares about Senator Bwacha. When he’s not sponsoring thugs and minions to insult the Senator, he is clutching at straws to fight him with all kinds distorted stories”.

Rikwense noted ” we wish to use this opportunity to establish a more robust Relationship with the media and partner with it in reshaping the Taraba discourse as we head into the electioneering months ahead.

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