Capacity Building: I’ll connect Asmau Exco with Donor Organizations – Ex NUJ Chair pledges

Nigerian News
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..Joins campaign train

By Achadu Gabriel, Kaduna

Asma’u campaign train of the ongoing NUJ kaduna State Council election received a major boost with former Chairman of the council, Comrade Sani Shaibu Malumfashi pledging to use his contacts with both local and international donor organizations to attract sponsorship and capacity building funds for the benefit of journalists in Kaduna state.

Comrade Malumfashi disclosed this at Kaduna State Media Corporation (KSMC), the State owned media, while in company of the campaign train to Kaduna State media corporation (KSMC) to solicit supports of staff for the forthcoming NUJ election 2021.
While urging the incoming Chairman Asma’u Yawo Halilu to prioritize welfare of members , particularly, bereaved families, Malumfashi noted that disagreement and divergent views were not uncommon in period of election, recalling with nostalgia in the 90s when he contested and became council Chairman the friction and multiple camps that existed in the union, but added that the divisions were not deeply rooted and not taken beyond campaign time.

He however cautioned that division must not be carried over beyond election period, urging Kaduna journalists to be united and pursue a common goal in the overall interest of the Council, which according to him would go a long way in ensuring a vibrant, prosperous and a virile union .

In his remarks, Director News and Current Affairs of KSMC, Dr. Mahmoud Dantsoho while receiving the campaign train of Comrade Asma’u assured her of his support and those of his staff, praying for her success to turn around fortunes of the Council which he said was in need of urgent intervention.

He expressed confidence in leadership capabilities of Asma’u to effect the required changes needed to take the council to a greater height.

Also earlier in his address,
the Coordinator of Asma’u Campaign Council, Mr. Idibia Gabriel who introduced
the campaign team to KSMC chapel, said the broadcast outfit was as old as Kaduna state and occupied a prominent position amongst media organisations in the country.

Mr Idibia stated that Asma’u would treat the chapel with special consideration it deserved as soon as she took mantle of leadership, adding that the Council would experience many positive changes under her administration.

Comrade Asma’u Halilu in her speech reiterated her campaign manifesto of upholding the constitution of the Union, ensured unity amongst members, building their capacities and ensuring they excelled in the profession, pointing out that leadership was all about selfless service to the led and delivering on core mandates, soliciting the supports of all members to succeed. End

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