Muslim Women Organization Decries High Rate of Insecurity, Proffers Solutions

Religion News
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Bashir Bello Abuja

An Islamic Organization called the National Federation of Muslim’s Women Association in Nigeria (FOMWAN) has lamented the deteriorating security situation in the country and the attendant loss of lives and properties .

In a press conference held NUJ Centre Utako Abuja on Tuesday 1 December 2021 and signed by Rafiah Idowu Sanni, the Organization said it noted with sadness the scourge of kidnapping of men, women the Young and the old Young in the country particularly in the North of the country .

The Organization also added that the kidnappings had discouraged school children from going back to schools .

It added that As mothers, this unending trend of killings and kidnapping are of serious concerns to them.It therefore, charged the Government to live up to its constitutional mandate of protecting lives of the citizens.

“We therefore call on the government to step up its security game in order to forestall a descent to anarchy.

The body implored the state Governors as the Chief security officers of their respective states to assume responsibility of making sure that all the citizens of their state states are protected irrespective of their religious or political affiliations .It went on to urge the governors to work closely with the President in order to tackle the menace of insecurity.

The umbrella body of Muslim women called on the Federal Government equip all security agencies with superior and sophisticated weapons in the fight against terrorism

More so, there is the need for the federal government to equip our security agencies with sophisticated weapons in prosecuting the war against insurgency and unrest . While recognising that Federal Government has actually been doing its best in tackling security situation, nonetheless, it urged the FG to look into the cries of Nigerians that most of the military formation are starved of fighting equipment.

The body also highlighted the fact that the FG should also pursue non- military solutions to the bedeviling insecurity just as it is committed to using the military options. It reminded the FG that abject poverty and frustration among the youths could actually motivate some of them into banditry

It also wants the FG to accord the Nigerian women

Finally, the Muslim Organization recommended series of solutions to the recurring insecurity bedeviling the nation

The recommended solutions are as follow

1:. The government is doing a lot but it does not seem to be effective as the
kidnapping and banditry seems to be increasing by the day Government needs to reach out to critical stakeholders in the North through consultations in order to get inputs on how to tackle this challenge more effectively.

2- Local Community leaders should be called upon to take up the responsibility of
engaging their people on connivance at the community level which is aiding the
problem. These include Informants, suppliers, collaborators, etc

  • State governors of the region should collaborate in coming up with a holistc
    strategy in economic, social, security and implement it simultaneously to
    achieve a more wholesome impact in the region.

4 -The relgious leaders should proffer workable solutions to government and the
people using their vast knowledge of religion They should help mobilize the
people in Masjids to unite and have a common approach to protecting and
helping themselves.

5 -Individually we should also examine ourselves and see what we are doing
wrong and correct it because it is individual actions that combine to become
collective action.

6 -The President needs to widen his cycle of consultations to involve local
stakeholders on the causes and solutions to this wave of banditry

7 -The President should explore all opportunities for non military solutions by
reaching out personally to traditional rulers, religious leaders, local community
leaders and elders in the region

8 -The lawmakers of the country at all levels should work on protecting their

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