Violence, criminality in Nigeria: Kidnapped Catholic Priest regains freedom

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By Achadu Gabriel

The Catholic Priest Rev. Fr. Andrew Anana, who was kidnapped at Godogodo in Jema’a Local Government Area of Southern Kaduna, Kaduna State has been released.

Fr. Anana was released barely 24 hours after kidnapped by his abductors, according to statement issued and signed Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Faweh Kazah, PhD, Vicar Pastoral, Catholic Diocese of Kafanchan, on Saturday.

The statement from Curia, Catholic Diocese of Kafanchan to Vicar Foranes, Priests, religious people of God, all Men and Women of Goodwill
expressed joy over fr. Anana’s released.

“From: The Curia, Catholic Diocese Of Kafanchan
To: Vicar Foranes, Priests, Religious, People of God, All Men and Women of Goodwill
Subject: Fr Andrew Anana is released Date: 6/08/2021, The Feast of tte Transfiguration Of the Lord”, it stated.

It added that “With hearts filled with joy, we raise our voices in a symphony of praises as we announce the return of our Priest, Rev. Fr Andrew Anana.

“Fr Anana was abducted by armed persons from his residence at St Francis Parish Godogodo, a newly created on Thursday 5 June 2021

“Barely 24 hours after his kidnap, our beloved priest was released by his abductors. We want to thank all those that have offered prayers and entreaties for the quick release of our Brother Priest and others who are still in the dens of their kidnappers.
“We pray God to hasten the release of those who are still in the hands of their Captors.May Our Lady of Guadalupe intercede for us and all those that are still in captivity!”, It stated.
No news of any ransom payment was announced.

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