Create a Pure Heart for Me, O Lord

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“Create in me a clean heart, O God, and put a new and right spirit within me.” (Psalm 51:10)

Our readings today are packed full with a lot of lessons for us. In the first reading, Moses’ sister Miriam, spoke certain uncharitable words against Moses. As a result of this, she was struck with leprosy.

Mariam and Aaron must have fallen into the trap of over-familiarity. They looked down on Moses and questioned his spiritual authority. Be careful about the way you speak of others. Avoid having to run others down especially when you do not know all the facts. The Eighth Commandment forbids bearing false witness against others.

Even more, the scriptures say: “Touch not my anointed ones, do my prophets no harm!” (1 Chronicles 16:22). We respect our priests (pastors) and religious not because of their personal qualities but because of the office they occupy. Miriam was obviously older than Moses, she was the one who hid in the bushes watching the baby Moses when his mother put him in a basket. She literally saved Moses’ life that day but this did not give her the audacity to talk down on him.

Another important lesson we learn is never to glory in the downfall of those who offend us. Moses had every reason to celebrate Miriam’s leprosy but he chose to cry to God for forgiveness. “Heal her, O God, I beseech thee.” Whatever power we hold in the church or in society is for the good of others and never for their destruction. God heard the cry of Moses and Miriam was restored to perfect health after seven days. Moses proved beyond doubt that he had a pure heart.

After feeding the multitude, Jesus eventually gets the quiet time he was looking for to pray. The disciples were in danger due to the bad weather. Jesus knew what they were facing and He went to them walking on the sea. Truly, God never abandons us when we are in trouble. Jesus walked on water to show them that no matter how tough life may be, no situation is greater than the power of God.

Peter wanted to be sure that it was Jesus and asked to come to Him on water but the moment Peter considered the waves, he became overwhelmed with fear and started sinking. Do not think of your problems too much. Fix your gaze on Jesus and you will walk by His grace on water; you will walk on top of your challenges with a smile and nothing will bring you down. This too requires a pure heart.

Let us pray: Lord Jesus, create in me a pure heart and renew your spirit within me. Amen.

Bible Study: Numbers 12:1-13, Psalm 51 and Matthew 14:22-36).

Fr. Abu

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