A Paradigm Shift Needed To Ensure Peaceful Coexistence In Kaduna- Ndagoso

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The Catholic Archbishop of Kaduna,
Most Reverend Matthew Man-Oso
Ndagoso has said that for peaceful coexistence in Kaduna, there must be a paradigm shift.

The Archbishop stated this during his homily at the memorial mass of Late Archbishop Emeritus Peter Yariyock Jatau in Marsa 1 Kafanchan Diocese of Kaduna State.

“If we really want peace everybody must shift ground ,we have ideas that we don’t want to share and we continue to stereotype people , a criminal yesterday could change tomorrow we cannot continue to use the old structure, let there be a dialogue.

“Most of our conflicts start with individuals or small groups and spread, I believed that in the quest for enduring peace in southern Kaduna in particular and the state at large, a paradigm shift is needed. Stereotyping will lead us to

Ndagoso noted with dismay that Kaduna State is known for crisis which must not be and called on the people of the State to live in peace and harmony.

He also said that people should be treated equally irrespective of religion or tribe for peace to reign.

He urged Government to make Covid-19 vaccine available to common man when it becomes available while calling on all and sundry to abide by the covid 19 guidelines.

“It is our sincere hope that when the vaccines eventually become available in our country, they will not be only for a privileged few to the detriment of the poor and needy. They should be available and affordable for all”.

He equally called on the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) to be fair in creating more polling units.

“Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC)has indicated plans to create more polling units throughout the country. We hope that our politicians are aware and are putting their acts together to make a strong case for more polling units in the entire southern part of the state that is currently disadvantaged in this regard.

“This is not a matter for partisan politics. It is a matter that borders on the
future of the zone. All hands therefore should be on deck to have more polling units created to ease the suffering of our people during elections”.

Archbishop Ndagoso also commended the efforts of Proprietor of Nok University, Anthony Hassan towards developing Southern Kaduna and also called on well meaning People of Southern Kaduna to do same.

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