Trust and Obey God’s Words

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“Give heed to the statutes and the ordinances which I teach you, and do them; that you may live, and go in and take possession of the land which the LORD, the God of your fathers, gives you” (Deuteronomy 4:1). We live in a digital age, a world of limitless possibilities; a world where knowledge about any subject is so readily available at the snap of one’s finger. The classroom has been completely revolutionized by the smartphone.

Youtube has become a university of some sorts. Google will not only take you around the world in 3D, but it will also provide virtually all the pictures, articles and videos related to any person, town or issue you want to know about. Then comes WikiHow, the Do-It-Yourself headquarters of the internet. From how to fly a plane, to how to start a business, to how to prepare your favourite meal… everything is right there at your fingertips.

Dear friends, long before the internet, long before the smartphone, long before life became so complicated, God has already given us the greatest and simplest do-it-yourself manual, a complete guide on how to achieve the very best life possible. This is exactly what Moses relates to the people of Israel in today’s first reading. The most unfortunate reality is that we tend to see God’s laws as burdensome or difficult to keep. Why is it so easy for us to trust a do-it-yourself-video on the internet believing we would build that machine it says, but we do not trust God enough to follow His instructions step by step?

The key to achieving the life that God so desires for us is simply to TRUST God enough that He means well for us by giving us these instructions and OBEY them with all our mind, with all our heart and with all our soul. It is in our obedience to God’s instructions that we begin to enjoy the fullness of life.

Fr. Abu

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